
18 Avr 2024
Norman museums network visit in the Channel Islands
As part of the cooperation agreement between La Fabrique de Patrimoines, Jersey Heritage, La Société Jersiaise and Guernsey Museums and Galleries (renewed in 2023), members of the Norman museum network visited the Channel Islands from 17 to 19 April 2024. Among the visitors, the Schlumberger Museum Foundation, the Normandy Museum, the Granville Museums (Musée d’Art Moderne Richard Anacréon and Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Granville), a representative of the DRAC and others from the Fabrique de Patrimoines.
On 17 April, participants arrived in Guernsey, where they visited the Guernsey Museum, as well as the German Naval Signals Museum.
The 18 April took place in Jersey, with a visit at La Hougue Bie to discuss the Le Câtillon’s coin hoard, followed by a visit to the Jersey Archives organised by Jersey Heritage. A time for discussion with the Société Jersiaise also took place.
A discovery visit to draw new avenues of cooperation between Norman and Channel Islands museums.