
07 Sep 2016

Offshore windfarm off St Brieuc public enquiry


The French Government announced in 2012 that it had given permission for the development of a wind farm off the coast of St Brieuc, Brittany. The development will take place in French waters, however turbines would be constructed up to the outer limit of Jersey waters to the south of the Island.

A formal public enquiry, initiated by the French government, started in France on 4 August to explore the project more fully. Anyone can make a submission to the enquiry.

Developers, Ailes Marines, presented their plans at a public meeting at Fort Regent on 6 September and have set up an exhibition at Fort Regent from 18 August until 29 September.

As part of the consultation, public enquiry commissioners came to Jersey on September 7, to record the views of Islanders and the Government.

People could also give their views to the public enquiry by recording comments on a paper register held at Fort Regent reception for the duration of the public enquiry. An online version was also made available for comments and questions until 29 September.

Guernsey's Bailiff and other island officials